
   Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr

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Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr and the prophet’s marriage issue

Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr was the only virgin woman  whom prophet Mohammad married. Allah sent some selected men as prophets and messengers to teach and guide humans to the right path of Allah. Such men had families, wives and children. They were humans of flesh and blood. Prophet Mohammad was not an exception. Prophet Mohammad married as many as nine wives. One of them was Aisha bint Abu Bakr. Aisha came as number three after lady Khadija bint Khuwailid and Sawda bint Zama’a.

Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr

Why Aisha was a special wife of the prophet’s:

Aisha was the only virgin among the prophet’s wives. Aisha was very young when the prophet married her. She was the daughter of his closest friend, Abu Bakr. prophet mohammad expressed his deep love for Aisha and her father. Aisha outlived prophet Mohammad. She died about forty-four years after the prophet’s death. Prophet Mohammad breathed his last breath while he was at the army of Aisha. She was cute, intelligent, young, smart and beautiful. the mother of the believers, Aisha narrated more than two thousand hadith of the prophet’s. Therefore, Aisha was a reliable source for the prophet’s teachings concerning all aspects of life.

Aisha at home and traveling with the prophet:

When we think about the big number of wives of different ages and backgrounds the prophet had, we may exclaim the benefit of such great diversity. Of course, there were tribal, religious and social benefits of such marriage cases. However, each of the prophet’s wives served a particular aspect of life. Moreover, each wife had a special situation in which the Islamic legislation could be seen. Lady Aisha  bint Abu Bakr served as a good learner and recipient of the prophet’s teachings. In addition, Aisha bint Abu Bakr’s rather clumsy and childish conduct offered good opportunities for Muslim scholars to derive instructions and regulations to organize and discipline a Muslim’s life in different cases and possible situations.

The incident of the talk of falsehood:

The incident of the talk of falsehood was a real crisis and tragedy. However, it was a tough lesson for the emerging civil Muslim society and community. Sooner or later, the truth would have been revealed. Lady Aisha  bint Abu Bakr would be undoubtedly declared innocent of the false charges. The incident happened in about the sixth year after the prophet’s migration to al-Madina. Apparently, there was no serious threat to the emerging muslim state. The Quraish felt the vigor of Muslims. The Jews knew very well that the Muslims couldn’t be defeated. The hypocrites chose to pretend to be Muslims to survive. 

How to build and ruin nations:

The divine lesson seemed as if to teach Muslims that they could be the most dangerous enemy of themselves if they did not use their minds or control their ears and tongues. Certainly, prophet Mohammad and Aisha paid the dearest cost of their reputation and psychological state during such a hard time. At a very early stage, Muslims learnt that idle and careless talk can destroy nations. They also knew that rumors can tumble whole nations. Islam is the religion of reason and intellect. Muslims suffer a lot when they do not use their wits well. The most important lesson the Muslims learnt was that building a state could not take place overnight.

Aisha after the prophet’s death:

prophet mohammad came only for a certain mission it was to receive the revelation of the holy Quran. twenty-three years was a short time to build a nation, a state and a civilization. prophet mohammad and the holy quran only set up the foundations. It was the role of the following generations to struggle to build the most marvelous civilization ever. Therefore, committing mistakes in worldly matters was natural for those bedouins who embraced Islam. Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr was the daughter of her age. She tried to play a positive part in public life. However, her religious knowledge, her faith and good will can provide a sufficient excuse for her. Aisha was a woman of flesh and blood. She was not a messenger or a prophet. She could err and do the right things. Her divine mission was to teach Muslims about the prophet’s domestic life. she effectively did. may Allah reward her for her efforts.

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