This blog is going to talk about prophet Mohammad and the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is the glorious sacred book of Allah. Muslims believe in and highly respect the Holy Quran as well as all the other previous sacred scripts. The Holy Quran itself urges Muslims to earnestly deal with these books. It also concentrates on the mental and the intellectual dealing with these books.
Prophet Mohammad And the revelation
Prophet Mohammad receieved the holy Quran in Makkah and Madinah over a period of twenty- three years. Like all the other prophets, Mohammad didn’t choose to be a prophet, Allah chose him to be one.
It was an exhausting mission, receiving the revelation. Physically and mentally, the prophet suffered a lot. Even when the revelation didn’t come to prophet Mohammad for forty days or six months, in another report, the prophet was very sad, especially while his Makkan enemies mocked him during that period.
The Holy Quran is Mohammad’s everlasting miracle
But this story has an unexpectedly bright side. Irrationally, the Makkans admitted that Mohammad received the holy quran.The Quran clearly states: “ They don’t disbelieve you, but the unjust people are stubborn to the verses of Allah.” The Holy Quran is Mohammad’s everlasting miracle. Miracles supported the previous prophets and messengers Yet, these miracles disappeared with their death. However, it still stands engaging in intellectual debates with its rivals till the end of the world. It is the role of everyone disagreeing with the Holy Quran to stick to their guns and fight, rather than insulting, burning or abusing it.