This blog is going to discuss one of the most important zikr phrases. This blog is going to talk about the meaning of al-hamdaulilah Rabb al-alameen.Online Muslimand adult kid students do Hifz ul Quran, tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies. They learn in online quran classes for kids that a Muslim should always thank their lord and be grateful to Allah. Gratitude equals faith in Islam. Ingratitude equals disbelief in Islam as well. Allah provides us with countless blessings. For such countless blessings, a Muslim should be grateful to their generous lord. In fact, gratitude is verbal and practical in Islam. Therefore, a Muslim should always say -thank allah all the time. Prophet Mohammad said about himself that he will be the bearer of the banner of gratitude on the day of judgment. This shows us the importance of gratitude in Islam.
Islam, the greatest blessing:
Al-hamdaulilah should be the motto and slogan of every Muslim. Islam is the greatest blessing a Muslim enjoys. Islam is the true and right religion of Allah. Being guided to Islam is really a true privilege. However, there is yet a no less important blessing a Muslim enjoys. It is the blessing of praising, glorifying and thanking Allah. Online Muslim and adult kid students do Hifz ul Quran, tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies in online quran classes for kids. They learn that a Muslim attains this great blessing only by saying -thnks to allah. When a Muslim sticks to saying praise and thanks to allah, he or she feels the greatest joy. A Muslim feels the blessing and satisfaction of their lord. They feel at harmony and satisfaction with their lot and fate. They are spiritually and psychologically healthy and balanced.
Allah and a muslim say al-hamdaulilah:
The phrase and sentence of al-hamdaulilah is a very great one. In the Holy Quran, Allah often says . praises, glorifies and thanks himself. Online Muslim and adult kid students do Hifz ul Quran, tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies in online quran classes for kids. They learn that this is a great mercy of Allah. Allah teaches Muslims how to praise, glorify and thank their Lord. When a Muslim says thank God, Allah says “My servant spoke the truth. Praise, glorification and gratitude are Mine Alone”. Prophet Mohammad also said Allah is pleased when a Muslim eats a meal or has a sip of water, then that Muslim says al-shukr lillah. Also, prophet Mohammad said “Al-hamdaulilah” is greater than all the other blessings of Allah. This also shows us the importance of always saying al-hamdaulilah.
Muslim scholars and al-hamdaulilah:
Muslim scholars differed concerning the favor of al-hamdaulilah. They couldn’t decide which is more favorable; To say al-hamdaulilah, or to say la ilaha illa allah? Some scholars said al-hamdulillah is better because it implies monotheism. Online Muslim and adult kid students do Hifz ul Quran, tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies in the online quran classes for kids. They learn that therefore, al-hamdulilah means monotheism and glorification while la illaha illa allah means monotheism only. The other category who were for la illaha illa allah said that the latter negates blasphemy and polytheism. Prophet Mohammad also said: “The best thing I as well as the previous prophets ever said is la illaha illa allah.” Scholars also said we should praise Allah for guiding us to Islam therefore, we should thank Allah all the time.
When a muslim says al-hamdaulilah:
A muslim should thank Allah all the time. They should say al-hamdaulilah at good times and at bad times. When a muslim has a happy occasion, they should say al-hamdaulilah. For example, when a muslim kid completes the hifzul quran or any surah of the Holy quran, the kid should say praise be to Allah . The parents of kids who join online quran classes should say al-hamdaulilah. They should say it when their kids do well in Hifz ul quran classes for kids. a muslim should say al-hamdaulilah at hard times also. When a muslim encounters a kind of hardship, they should say al-hamdaulilah. A muslim should stick to saying al-hamdaulilah.
Different ways to say al–hamdaulilah:
A Muslim’s tongue should always be moist by zikrullah. This means that a muslim should always practice mentioning allah. One of the important zikr phrases is to say al-hamdaulilah. However, expressing gratitude and al-hamdaulilah can come in many other ways. One important way to express gratitude to Allah is the oral or verbal one. There are many more ways to say al-hamdaulilah. When a muslim joins online classes for Hifz ul quran online, they practically say al-hamdaulilah.When a rich muslim helps a poor one, this is a way to say al-hamdaulilah. When a muslim parent works hard to support their family, this is a practical way to say al-hamdaulilah. The time a muslim renders the required help to the person who needs it, this is also a good way to say al-hamdaulilah.