This blog discusses the new life which Muslims led in al Madina. In their online lessons and courses of Quranand Islamic studies for kidsand adults, students learn that once, Omar ibn al-Khattab complained to prophet Mohammad that living in al-Madina had changed their lifestyle which they used to lead in Makkah. The story says that Omar denied his wife’s debate and argument with him. Omar asked his wife how she dared defy and challenge him. Ibn alKhattab’s wife said that Omar’s daughter who was the prophet’s wife would question the prophet’s commands and orders to her. Omar was shocked and rushed to his daughter and wanted to punish her. Prophet Mohammad stopped him. Ibn al Khattab said that living in Madina spoiled things.
The Madinah Jews:
When migrants arrived and settled in al-Madinah, there were three Jewish tribes living in the town. Muslims were optimistic that the Jews were different from the Makkan pagans who had prosecuted them. Muslims thought that the Jews were the people of the book who would know, acknowledge and believe in prophet mohammad and the Holy Quran.
The long history of the Jews:
The Jews are the followers of prophet Mousa whose holy book is the torah. Their story with prophet Mousa is well known. The Jews caused prophet Mousa great trouble before they believed him. The Mousa followers even were rather impolite with Allah, the Torah and prophet Mousa himself. They demanded difficult and challenging things from Mousa. After Mousa, a lot of prophets and messengers were sent among the Jews. However, the Jews were too stubborn to believe.
The Jews and Jesus Christ:
Whenever a prophet or a messenger was sent to the Jews, they felt too proud to believe them. They either disbelieved or killed those prophets and messengers. When the jewish girl, Mary, had the miracle of giving birth to a baby boy without a husband, the Jews accused her of committing very bad things. When Eisa ibn Mariam brought undeniable miracles to the jews, they almost killed him. Allah saved Eisa from the cunningness of the Jews and saved him.
The jews and prophet mohammad:
Although they lived among the Arabs, the raciest Jews scorned the Arabs. It was the jews who introduced paganism and idol worship to the Arabs who are the great grandchildren of prophet ibrahim. The jews had long known about the appearance of prophet Mohammad as the last prophet. They knew very well that he was truly a prophet and that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah. Nevertheless, they did their best to fight prophet mohammad. They even encouraged and supported Quraish when they wanted to invade al-Madinah on a lot of occasions.
The everlasting enmity of Quraish:
The Muslims fled with their faith to Madinah leaving their possessions in Makkah behind. However, Quraish felt insulted and wanted to go on fighting Mohammad and his followers. Makkah was waiting for the chance to fight the Muslims in al-Madinah. It was a matter of dignity and tribal pride that Makkah wanted to restore. Muslims threatened the “tourist” industry of makkah. Islam, as well as the Holy Quran, bans and fights paganism and the worship of stone idols.
The prophet’s defensive skirmishes:
Prophet Mohammad aimed at deterring the hostile Arabs inside and around Madinah. Therefore, he sent a number of military companies to send a message to the people around Madinah. The message clearly said: “You had better not try or attempt to assault Madinah. Meanwhile, Makkah was still interested in knowing the latest news of Muslims.
The migrants try to make up for their losses:
The Qurashi Muslim migrants in al-Madina had left behind their possessions in makkah. The trade caravans of makkah passed al-madina. Therefore, the Muslims wanted to take some of the Makkan merchandise transported in such trade caravans. That is why they wanted to intercept the route of one of the caravans. However, that caravan was led by Abu Sufian ibn Harb, one of the most clever men in Makkah. Abu Sufian managed to avoid passing al-Madina. He changed his route so as to travel parallel to the Red Sea coast. Eventually, he arrived in Makkah safe and sound.