We are going to discuss a woman’s position and rights in islam in this blog. islam has come to build up a healthy muslim family. This consequently leads to a healthy muslim society. A healthy family relies on a successful wife and mother. Therefore, a woman’s position in islam is a remarkable one. Islam respects woman highly . in addition, islam has given women a lot of their deserved rights. the islamic law has its own objectives. The end of the islamic law is to preserve the human religion, soul, mind, offspring and honor. Therefore, like men, women are guaranteed the rights to preserve their religion, soul, mind, offspring and minds. Islam is keen on a woman’s position and rights in Islam.
Islam and a woman's dignity:
Allah dignifies woman highly . Islam expects a good male muslim to treat a woman in the most dignified way. Allah forbids a muslim male to gaze or stare at women. Islam is keen on woman’s position and rights in islam. The religion asks a woman to dress in a decent way. her she must wear wide, loose and thick clothes to hide her beauty. Islam is keen on a woman’s rights and position in Islam.This prevents men from gazing at her in a way that belittles her dignity. obscene language on her part or on the part of males is forbidden, a matter which emphasizes her dignified status in islam. islam guarantees protecting and keeping a woman in a good health. It is the responsibility of the islamic law.
Islam and the mind and the soul of a woman:
a woman deserves good education in islam. She badly needs to learn about her religion. Therefore, Islam recommends that a woman to get good , education and bringing up. This is very beneficial not only for the woman herself, but also for her children when she has one. a lot of women tend to rely on superstitions. Therefore, they need learning the right beliefs which protect them from going astray. a woman should know her rights and duties in islam. Also, she needs to know the religious obligations which she has to carry out and perform. Allah guarantees a woman’s rights and position in Islam.
A woman is the source of life:
women beget children. Therefore, women are the source of life. The responsibility of bearing and giving birth to good muslims lies on women . For this reason, a woman’s chastity is crucial and vital. a woman must enjoy a good reputation. For this reason, a woman’s conduct is very important for in islam. she must avoid all that can cause her reputation to be at risk. On the other hand, Islam punishes those who gossip and spread rumors about a woman’s honor in islam. the muslim society treats women in the most respectable way. it must never belittle the dignity of women or risk their reputations. Allah guarantees a woman’s position and rights in Islam.
The financial disclosure of women:
Islam gives women their financial disclosure. This means that a woman has her own sources of income. First, a woman inherits her dead relatives. she inherits her father, mother, son, daughter or husband. Second, the dowry paid to her for marriage is her own. no one has the right to share her money. Islam requires a woman’s relatives to spend money on her. Allah guarantees a woman’s position and rights in Islam.Therefore, it is the duty and obligation of her husband, father, brothers and children to spend on her. However, a lot of women volunteer and spend on their husbands, parents, children and even their brothers and sisters in some cases. islam does not object to such virtuous conduct.