This blog is going to discuss Surah Hood. Surah Hood was revealed in Makkah before the prophet’s migration to al-Madinah. It consists of one hundred and twenty-three ayat. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that Surah Hood is the eleventh surah in the Holy Quran. It discusses a lot of various issues. The surah mentions the stories of a lot of prophets and messengers, such as Noah and hood. It mentions the issue of inviting people to worship Allah alone. It shows the reward of monotheism. On the other hand, it shows the punishment awaiting for the polytheists.
Surah Hood explains the ability of Allah to create everything. Therefore, Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that it talks about the creation of the earth, the heavens, the skies, the mountains and the time they took to be created. ((“He is Allah, Who created the land and the sky in six days. His throne was on water. He sent messengers and prophets to test you and see who does the best acts. However, when you (prophet Mohammad) say to them that they will be resurrected; they will say: “This is an outright magic.”))
Surah Hood shows us the hasty, rash and worried human nature. Man is anxious and hasty by nature. The surah explains in full detail this human nature. In another part of the surah, it asks the people who deny the divinity of the Holy Quran to come around with something similar in technique and style to the holy Quran. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that Allah says: ((“Do they say Mohammad invented it (the holy Quran)? tell them to invent ten surahs of the like of it if you are right.”)) This is the great challenge which silences every hostile Quran critic everywhere and all over the ages. This proves that the Holy Quran is from Allah, not from Mohammad.
Surah Hood stresses the thorough knowledge of Allah. Nothing is away from the knowledge of Allah. Allah knows all the affairs of his slaves and servants. Allah anticipates the livelihood of all the creatures in the sky and on the land all the time and everywhere and at the same time. Moreover, the surah speaks about the history of the previous nations. This was impossible for prophet Mohammad to know without the true revelation. This proved that Mohammad was a true prophet, not a liar. Moreover, surah Hood tells us about the future generations and the nations to come. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy quran learn that It gives us an example about the Arab’s future inability to get something similar to the Holy Quran.
The diverse topic of the surah:
Allah says: ((“There is no creature whose livelihood doesn’t depend on Allah. Moreover, Allah knows its start and its end. Everything is written in a clear book.”))
The surah moves on to talk about the stories of some previous prophets. They appeared before prophet Mohammad did. It shows each prophet from a certain perspective. Herein, some stories mentioned in the surah: the story of Noah, it shows Noah building his ship. It also depicts the situation of the unbelievers concerning building the ship. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that in addition, the surah shows us the speech of noah about the time of their coming torture and punishment as well as the ruin of the stubborn unbelievers.
A new life after the Flood:
The surah continues its narrative about the era after the flood. All the unbelievers died. Then comes the story of prophet Hood. The surah tells us the story of the nation of Hood. The tribe of Aad lived in the area of al-Ahqaf. They lived in luxury and abundance. Prophet Hood came to them. They enjoyed the rain. Therefore, they had too many orchards. They were considerably powerful and strong. This power and strength helped them build large palaces. However, they were too arrogant and proud to obey Hood. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy quran learn that they disbelieved and were blasphemers. The surah shows us their ruin, torture and tragic end in a colorful style.