We are going to discuss surah al-Rahman in this blog. Surah al-Rahman is a great surah in the great Holy Quran. All the Holy Quran is great. Surah al-Rahman has a great favor. The prophet said ((“al-Rahman is the bride of the Quran.”)) It also has a lot of other names.Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that it is a Madani surah. It consists of seventy-eight ayat. It is the surah number fifty-five in the Holy Quran. In addition, surah al-Rahman has a lot of merits and virtues. It is the only surah in the Holy Quran which starts with one of the beautiful names of Allah.
The eloquent refrain of surah al-rahman is the repetition of the ayah ((“Which of your Lord’s sign do you deny?”)) ((فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبان)) It occurred thirty-one times. Scholars say that such a repetition denotes the gratitude and the glorification of Allah. It also shows the eloquent style of the surah. The surah shows how Allah threatens the unbelievers with torment and torture on the day of judgment. On the other hand, Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that it shows the joy and the pleasure of the believers on the same day. Allah says: ((“This is the hell which the criminals deny. They have a walk around it and very hot water; “Which of your Lord’s signs do you deny?” Those who fear the grand rank of their Lord, they will get two gardens full of joy. “Which of your Lord’s signs do you deny?”))
(( هذه جهنم التي يكذب بها المجرمون، يطوفون بينها وبين حنين آن، فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبان، ولمن خاف مقام ربه جنتان، فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبان.))
Hunting for more pearls of surah al-rahman:
The surah also shows the abundant blessing which Allah endowed man. One of such great blessings is that Allah taught man (prophet Mohammad) the Holy Quran. Moreover, the surah shows how capale Allah is. Allah has created the universe and runs great ships in seas and oceans. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that The surah came in such a harmonious style between words and ayat. The surah also shows the great might of Allah versus humans and the jinn. They both can do nothing facing the will and determination of allah.This gives us a clear hint why Islam has basically come. Islam has come to remove the distortion which has infected people’s beliefs before Islam. Those people began to think about Allah in human terms depicting Allah in a human form.
Why the surah was revealed:
There are a lot of reasons for the revelation of this great surah. The polytheists asked what al-rahman is. Allah answers them in this surah. ((“If it is said to them make prostration for al-Rahman; they say what is al-rahman?”)) It is very significant that they used the question word “what” instead of “who”. This is because they know that Allah is al-Rahman. Therefore, Muslimkids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that they politely asked about the meaning of the seemingly new word for them, not about Allah whom they couldn’t deny His existence. Allah replied saying that Allah taught man, (Mohammad), the Holy Quran.
Preaching and promoting islam:
It was because they said in surah al-Nahl, (the bees), ((“A human must be teaching him (prophet Mohammad). The surah came to prove the mercy of Allah. This was to preach and promote Islam. It also warns whoever rejects Islam. The surah also reminds people of the blessings of Allah in this worldly life. It reminds them of the blessings of reason which distinguishes humans from animals. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that it explains Islam which distinguishes believers from the nonbelievers. The surah also mentions a lot more blessings of Allah which are too many to count. It is really a beautiful surah which deserves to be described as the bride of the Holy Quran.
The favor of reciting surah al-rahman:
Whoever reads surah al-Rahman, Allah has mercy on their weaknesses and helplessness. Muslim kids in their online lessons for islamic studies, tajweed and the Holy Quran learn that It is a kind of gratitude for Allah for His countless blessings and favors. Prophet Mohammad said: ((“Whoever reads al-Rahman, Allah has mercy on their weakness and they show gratitude for the blessings of Allah”)). If it is near to someone with an eye sickness, they will be cured.)) . Moreover, it stops the devils from entering the house of a muslim. prophet Muhammad also said about surah al-Rahman: Whoever wrote it on the walls of their house, the devils can’t enter that house .