Introduction :
Kids learn that the Red Sea borders the Arabian peninsula on the western side. Teachers teach kids that the Red Sea is surrounded by a range of rocky mountains called the Red Sea mountains. Geography teachers teach kids that the mountains stretch in Egypt, the Sudan and Ethiopia in Africa. In Asia, they stretch in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.The climate is dry and the landscape is rocky and barren; because it rarely rains in the region.
The first people in Makkah :
In their Islamic studies courses, kids learn that Makka lies in the heart of this rocky area. Makkah had been a deserted place. The best online Quran and Islamic studies teachers teach their kid and adult students that one day, Allah commanded prophet Ibrahim to take his young wife and new mother Hajar, the Egyptian, to that place with her new born baby Isma’eel. Ibrahim left Hajar and her baby in that hostile geography. The poor woman almost starved with her baby. However, Allah sent Jibril who made a well of sweet water spring in the middle of the rocky soil of Makkah.
Water attracts people to Makkah :
After the collapse of the Dam of Marib, a lot of Yemeni tribes migrated into the Arabian peninsula. The best online teachers of Quran, Islamic studies and Arabic teach their kid and adult students that one of these tribes was Jurhum. They saw birds flying over Makkah and knew that there was water in the place. They asked Hajar for permission to be her neighbors. She agreed gladly. The young Isma’eel grew into a youngman who married and begot children. The offspring of Isma’eel were the tribe members of Quraish.
The Kaba built in Makkah :
Abraha decides to damage Al-Kaba :
Yemen fell under the Abassini occupation. Abbassinia had embraced Christianity long before. Therefore, Abraha built a colossal cathedral in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital. He wanted all the Arabs to abandon al-Kaba and make pilgrimage to his cathedral instead. However, the Arabs ignored his cathedral. Abraha got furious after an Arab defiled the cathedral. That is why Abraha vowed to destroy Al-Kaba. So, Abraha marched a massive army of about sixty thousand warriors accompanying a dazen of gigantic elephants.
The Abraha army destroyed :
Approaching Makkah, the warriors in the army of Abraha heard a fearful sound. This was a forewarning to the army to retreat. However, Abraha was too arrogant to get the message. Abraha marched his army forward. The sky grew dark. The scene was horrible. Swarms of birds hovered over the soldiers carrying tiny stones in their peaks and legs. The birds began to drop the check-pea size stones at the soldiers. The terrified soldiers saw their own flesh and bones melt in front of their eyes. The soldiers were soon to die and be destroyed. This was clear evidence that al-Kaba was truly the House of Allah.
The year of the elephant :
This incident took place in the year 571 AD. However, the Arabs called it the year of the elephant because of the most important incident which occurred in it when Allah saved the sacred house from Abraha. Fifty-five days later, prophet Mohammad was born in Makka.
The Abraha campaign in the Holy Quran :
This incident and story was mentioned in the Holy Quran in surah al-Feel, the elephant. Allah addresses prophet Mohammad saying: “Haven’t you seen how your Lord destroyed the people with the elephant? Hasn’t your Lord aborted their endeavor? Hasn’t He sent swarms of birds on them which stoned them with hellish small stones? Allah made them like dead tree leaves and branches.” This reminds prophet Mohammad and consequently his people of the might of Allah and the protection of al-Kaba, the symbol of believing in Allah.