
 The best way to celebrate the hijri new year

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This blog is going to discuss THE BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE THE HIJRI NEW YEAR.. When Muslims began to establish their new state, this was during the reign of Omar ibn al-Khattab. They needed to have their own calendar. They thought of adopting the Gregorian solar calendar. However, it was not a very suitable idea.Students who do Islamic studies  online, quran classes for kids  learn about al-hijra  and the importance of al-Muharram month. In the Seerah online classes, they learn about  prophet mohammad and the lunar year . A lot of the rites of Islam depend on the moon , not the sun. Therefore, the Muslims preferred the lunar Arabian calendar. The lunar Arabian calendar had long existed before Islam. This shows us that Islam did not come to end the existing norms of life. Rather, Islam came to improve life and encourage and boost the good sides of life.

Where Muslims started their calendar:

The best way to celebrate the hijri new year

To know THE BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE THE HIJRI NEW YEAR, we should learn that the muslims at the time of Omar ibn al-Khattab thought about how to start their Muslim year. Some wanted the birth of prophet Mohammad to be their starting point. Others wanted the beginning of the revelation to be their starting point. Eventually, they agreed that the prophet’s migration from Makkah to al-Madinah would be their starting point. This was because of the importance of the hijra incident in the islamic history. thi was because without the prophet’s migration from Makkah to al-Madinah, Islam would not have spread almost anywhere. Students who do Islamic studies  online, quran classes for kids  learn about al-hijra  and the importance of al-Muharram month. In the Seerah online classes, they learn about  prophet mohammad and the lunar year. At last it was decided that the Muslim history started with the hijra incident. Therefore, there were before al-hijrah era and after al-hijrah era. 

More details about the hijri year:

For THE BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE THE HIJRI NEW YEAR, we have just seen, the lunar hijri months existed long before Islam. Therefore, Muslims did not invent or introduce them.Students who do Islamic studies  online, quran classes for kids  learn about al-hijra  and the importance of al-Muharram month. In the Seerah online classes, they learn about  prophet mohammad and the lunar year.  The lunar months are: Al-Muharram, Saffar, Rabie al-Awal, Rabie al-Akhar, Jumada al-ooa, Jumada al-Akhira, Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dzul-Qaidah and Dhul-Hijjah. The lunar month starts with the birth of the new moon. A new moon is born every twenty-nine or thirty days. Therefore, a lunar month can never be thirty-one days. This makes the lunar year eleven days shorter than the solar Gregorian year. This has led to the occurrence of Islamic Ibadat and incidents at different times. For example, pilgrimage and Ramadan (fasting) take place in winter, summer or any season of the year.

The best way to celebrate the hijri new year

What a muslim should do on the new year:

For THE BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE THE HIJRI NEW YEAR,  we should know that zikr  is a Muslim’s custom and habit. A Muslim should mention Allah all the time and on all occasions. The best zikr A Muslim can ever do is to say Subhana Allah; la illaha illa allah, allahu akbar and alhamdulillah. Also, a Muslim should read the holy Quran a lot. A Muslim should sit with his or her children and discuss the prophet’s Seerah and remember the prophet’s battles and Jihad in the cause of Allah and Islam. Students who do Islamic studies  online, quran classes for kids  learn about al-hijra  and the importance of al-Muharram month. In the Seerah online classes, they learn about  prophet Mohammad and the lunar year. 

1- What was the starting point of the hijri calendar?

The prophet’s migration from makkah to al-madinah was the starting point of the hijri calendar.

 – Why did the muslims start their calendar with the prophet’s migration?

The prophet’s migration was the most important incident in the muslim history.

3- How should a muslim celebrate the hijri new year?

A Muslim should do zikr, read the holy quran and discuss the prophet’s Seerah and sunnah on the new year.

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