
The explanation of “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem”

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“In the name of Allah . Praise be to Allah; the One Who is praised in every language and with all tongues. Muslims worship Al Rahman all the time and everywhere. The All Knowing  knows all things everywhere. Nothing distracts Al Samad by knowing all things at the same time. The All Ali  is too supreme and aloft to have peers. Al Ghani  is too perfect to be in need of a wife or children. The ruling and judgment of Allah is executed and carried out in all slaves and creatures. brains and minds can’t fathom allah. Imagination can’t figure out allah. hearts can’t get to grips with allah. Allah is the Innovator, Inventor and the Sole Creator of the world, the heavens and the metaphysical world. Allah, who created the males and the females, have created spouses for you out of yourselves. Moreover, Allah created pairs of animals and birds. { Allah created you in this world. Nothing is like Him; He is the Allah hearing and the All Seeing One.}

The importance of Bismillah:

Scholars have said: “ When a speaker or a writer starts their work with Bismillah, their work is perfect. Doing so, they take the Holy Quran as their role model. This is because the Holy Quran starts with Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem. It is mostly a part of Surah al-Fatiha. Meanwhile, it starts every surah in the Holy Quran. Likewise, an author imitates prophet Mohammad when he sent messages to rulers, kings and sovereigns inviting them to embrace Islam. When the letters were written, they started with Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.

The explanation of “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem”

A historical story about Bimillah:

A historical story happened. It showed that prophet Mohammad was illiterate. Prophet Mohammad didn’t read or write. prophet mohammad ordered Ali ibn abi Talib to write “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahhem” in the document of the Hudaibiya accord. the blasphemers of Makkah said: “We don’t know what ar-Rahman ar-Raheem is. If we did, we would follow you. Write In Your name oh, Allah.” Therefore, prophet Mohammad started with “Bismillah.” For this reason, prophet Mohamad ordered Ali ibn abi Talib to erase “Bismillah”. However, Ali swore not to erase it. Prophet Mohammad said to ali: “Show it to me, so that I can erase it myself.” This shows the miracle and the true prophethood of prophet Mohammad.

Starting all work with Bismillah:

When a Muslim starts any work they say Bismillah. This means that they do the same as Allah and prophet Mohammad did. It means that they ask the support of Allah in whatever they are going to do. this attains the blessing of Allah. such an action honors the name of Allah as well as the work to be done. Doing so, a Muslim glorifies Allah and His name. Allah is Supreme in position and in value as well. Then, mentioning the attribute of Allah as Merciful and Gracious shows the respect and piety on the part of a Muslim towards Allah.

When should a muslim say Bismillah?

The explanation of “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem”

A Muslim should always say Bismillah at the beginning of all his worldly as well as religious acts. This is to make their work fruitful and accepted. for any work which lacks Bismillah at the beginning is fruitless and futile. Also, being keen on saying Bismillah guarantees that a Muslim mentions their lord all the time. mentioning Allah makes a Muslim in the care and protection of Allah. Also, mentioning Allah makes a Muslim benefit a lot and revive their heart. This is because a Muslim who doesn’t mention Allah is like a dead body or a dead fruitless land.

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