
The favor of the last ten days of Ramadan

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Introduction :

In the Holy Quran, Allah vows by the ten nights. Some Muslim scholars say the ten nights are the last ten nights of Ramadan. Other Muslim scholars say that they are the first ten nights of the holy month of Dhul-hijjah. Ramadan is a good chance to teach the Muslim kids the Holy Quran.

The favor of the last ten days of Ramadan

Swift good days :

Ramadan passes fast. Muslims have done their best worshiping Allah during the holy month. Muslims are concerned whether Ramadan will come again or not.  The invitation is renewed. A Muslim should do their best to go on worshiping Allah. If a Muslim has not done well in the first twenty days of Ramadan, the chance is still available for them. The prophet used to celebrate the last ten days in his own way. Prophet Mohammad used to worship Allah a lot more in the last ten days and nights of Ramadan. prophet Mohammad also used to wake his wives up to join him in his worship. The holy month of Ramadan is a golden chance to teach Muslim kids the Holy Quran in it.

Take your chance while you can :

A Muslim should be keen on worshiping Allah while they are capable of doing so. A Muslim may not be able to obey Allah enough for different reasons. They may be busy doing their business and making their living. Any Muslim may fall ill and be unable to worship Allah in the way they wish. Young Muslims should benefit from their youth and worship Allah before they attain old age. A wise Muslim should benefit from their wealth and good financial state before hardships might befall them. 

The significance of the last ten days :

The last ten days and nights of Ramadan is a market in which a Muslim trades with their Lord. Allah is the all-Generous and all Benevolent. Allah rewards one good deed with ten fold rewards. Allah forgives the sins and shortcomings of Muslims. Allah blesses an obedient Muslim’s life as long as they are keen on worshiping Allah alone. Allah rejoices and is pleased with a Muslim’s repentance and return to Allah. 

What a wise muslim do in these days :

A Muslim should follow all good paths to gain the pleasure and satisfaction of their Mighty Lord. A Muslim is keen on taking the chance of the night of decree to worship Allah in the best way they can. A wise Muslim is more keen on spending money on charity during the last ten days and nights of the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims look for the poor and needy to help them all through the month of Ramadan; and especially during the last ten days and nights of the holy month of Ramadan. A good Muslim should be more keen on preserving the bonds of kinship with their relatives and kinsmen. 

What muslims get for worshiping Allah :

A Muslim who worships their Lord on these virtuous days and nights attains a lot of good things. First, prophet Mohammad said “Who goes fasting in the month of Ramadan believing in Allah and hoping for the reward from Allah, all their past, present and future sins will be forgiven.” An obedient Muslim who prays al-taraweeh and al-tahajjud, gets their full reward from Allah. a charitable Muslim who gives alms and zakat to the poor and the needy will certainly have their fasting accepted by Allah.

The objective of creation :

 Allah Almighty says: “I have created the Jinn and humans to worship Me.” Therefore, the primary and foremost duty of all humans is to worship Almighty Allah alone. Allah likes his servants and slaves to be admitted into paradise. Allah doesn’t like to punish or torture His slaves or servants. It is the most important duty of all humans to seek the satisfaction and pleasure of their Generous and Merciful Master, Allah. The last ten days and nights of Ramadan are a good chance for a Muslim to win the grand prize of paradise.

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