
The Holy Quran… Learn Quran online

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holy book is, called in honor of the Holy QuranLearn Quran online

It is Allah’s miracle book,

Muslims respect it and believe that it is the word of Allah.

A person cannot be a Muslim unless he believes that the Quran is from Allah

also that it was, revealed to the Messenger Muhammad for clarification and miracles.

that it is preserved in the chests and lines from every touch or distortion.

and that it was transmitted mutawatir,

that he is the worshiper by his recitation,

And it is the last of the heavenly books after the books of Abraham, the Psalms, the Torah and the Bible

Learn Quran online

The Quran is the oldest Arabic book. the most linguistically valuable.

For what he combines of eloquence, eloquence and eloquence.

so The Quran has an impact and merit in unifying and developing the Arabic language, its literature,

and also its morphological and grammatical sciences.

so al Quran laying, unifying, and consolidating the basic building blocks of the grammar of the Arabic language,

It is a reference and a basis for all the contributions of linguists

 in the development of the Arabic language

At their head are Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali, al-Khalil bin Ahmad al-Farahidi,

his student Sibawayh and others.

Either the ancients or the moderns

until To the era of diaspora literature in the modern era,

From Ahmed Shawky to Rashid Selim El Khoury

And Gibran Khalil Gibran, and others

 One of those who played a major role in trying to push

for the revival of the Arabic language and heritage in the modern era.

Learn Quran online

The credit for the unification of the Arabic language is due to the revelation of the Noble Quran.

Since it was not unified before this era, although it was rich and flexible,

Until the Quran was, revealed and the crowd challenged with Al Quran statement.

so Al Quran gave the Arabic language a flow of good sophistication and the sweetness of rhyme.

and this is rhetoric and eloquence what the Arab linguists failed to do.

so The Noble Quran has completely unified the Arabic language

so preserved it from fading out and extinction.

As with many other Semitic languages,

languages ​​that became obsolete and disappeared with time,

Or languages ​​affected by weakness and decadence,

Consequently, the inability to keep pace with changes and interactions

Known by civilization and the peoples of the ancient and modern world.

Learn Quran online

The Holy Quran … Learn Quran online

The Quran contains 114 surahs, which are classified into Meccan and Medinan

According to the place and time of revelation.

The Quran was, revealed by Allah ﷺ on the tongue of King Gabriel

to the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ , peace be upon him

Over the course of approximately 23 years,

After the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ, reached the age of forty,

Until the death of the Messenger of God, Muhammad ﷺ, in the year 11 AH

After the death of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ,… Learn Quran online

The Quran was collected in one Mushaf by order of

The first Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

According to the suggestion of Companion Omar Ibn Al-Khattab.

so After the death of the second Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab,

so This copy was kept with the Mother of the Believers, Hafsa bint Omar.

until he saw The third Caliph Othman bin Affan

Muslims differ in recitations due to their different dialects.

so He asked Hafsa to allow him to use the Quran in her possession,

which was written in the Quraish dialect, as the standard dialect.

Uthman ordered that several copies of the Quran be copied in order to unify the reading.

Executing what contradicts that of the Quran, and distributing those copies to cities.

He kept a copy of it.

These copies are known so far as the Ottoman Quran.

Therefore, most scholars assert that the current copies of the Quran

contain the same text copied from the original version compiled by Abu Bakr.

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