This blog is going to talk about the favor of the last two ayat of surah al-Baqara. They are ayat number 285 and 286. They are two great ayat. However, a Muslim should know very well that the Holy Quran is the word of Allah. all the surahs, ayahs and words of the Holy Quran are equal in their favors. Nevertheless, when we talk about the favor of certain ayahs, this is because of the great meanings they imply. All Muslims acknowledge the favor and greatness of those two ayat. This is simply because they give the essence of the Muslim creed in the clearest way.
The meaning of aya 285 of al-baqara:
The last two ayat of al-Baqara are very important and clear in their meanings. Aya number 285 states that prophet Mohammad as well as all the believers and his followers, believed in what Allah revealed to him. Therefore, the aya states believe in the Holy Quran. In addition, all muslims believe in Allah, the honorable angels, the holy scriptures and the respectables prophets and messengers. These are the six pillars of the muslim faith .We, Muslims, don’t differentiate between any of the prophets or messengers of Allah. We are unlike the people of the book who were stubborn with Allah and the prophets and the messengers whom Allah sent to them.
The meaning of aya 286 of al-baqara:
We just say we have heard Allah’s commands and obeyed them. We ask the forgiveness of Allah and admit that to Allah is our eventual destiny. We believe in the mercy and justice of Allah who doesn’t oblige us to do what we can’t. Moreover, Allah accounts us only for what we have done. Allah rewards good doers, and punishes wrongdoers. We ask Allah not to even blame us if we forget or err. We, Muslims, acknowledge our human weakness. Therefore, we ask Allah not to obligate us with a vow which we can’t bear; like what happened with the people of the book before us. Again, we ask for the forgiveness and mercy of Allah. We assure that Allah is our Ally and ask Allah to grant us victory over our enemies.
The favor of those two ayat:
There are a lot of hadith which mention the favor of those two great ayat. Prophet Mohammad said that: ((“Whoever reads those two ayat at night, they were sufficient for him or her. This means there were sufficient good deeds and as a protection for him or her. Therefore, a Muslim should always stick to reciting those two ayat every day and night. It is much better to recite them at the beginning of each night. Furthermore, it is much better to recite them after al-Maghrib prayer. Also, Scholars recommend a Muslim to think about and contemplate on the meaning of the two ayat during reciting them every night.
More favors of the two ayat:
Prophet Mohammad also said:
{{“I was given a reassure from under the throne of Allah. He meant this to reassure the last two ayat of surah al-Baqara. No previous prophet or messenger was given such a valuable treasure”.}}
Prophet Mohammad said many hadith denoting the favor of the last two ayat of surah al-baqara. All of these hadith stress the fact that the last two ayat of surah al-Baqara have a great favor. Therefore, it is the duty of each Muslim to be keen on reciting them every night.It is better to recite them at the beginning of every night. A Muslim can do this immediately after al-Maghrib prayer.