
top ten books for Tafseer

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Tafseer… top ten

top ten

Principally, a tafsir deals with the issues of linguistics, jurisprudence, and theology.

In terms of perspective and approach, tafsir can be broadly divided into

two categories, namely tafsir bi-al-ma’thur (lit. received tafsir), which is transmitted from the early days of Islam through the prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions,

and tafsir bi-al-ra’y (lit. tafsir by opinion), which is arrived through personal reflection or independent rational thinking.

1. from top ten Tafsir al-Tabari

Jāmiʿ al-bayān ʿan taʾwīl āy al – Quran 

top ten

popularly Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī (Arabic: تفسير الطبري‎), is a Sunni tafsir by the Persian scholar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (838–923).

also It immediately won high regard and retained its importance for scholars to the present day.

It is the earliest major running commentary of the Quran to have survived in its original form.Like his history,

so al-Tabari’s tafsir is notable for its comprehensiveness and citation of multiple, often conflicting sources.

also The book was translated into Persian by a group of scholars from Transoxania on the commission of the Samanid king, Mansur I (961–976).


top ten

Auteur : Ibn Kathir

Voici le Tafsir le plus connu et apprécié, que tout musulman se doit de posséder.

so Cheikh al-Uthaymin en a dit “C’est un livre très utile dans le domaine du commentaire du Coran fondé sur les traditions.

also Il est en le plus sûr, même s’il n’aborde que rarement les aspects grammaticaux et l’éloquence du discours.”

and also L’imam as-Suyuti a dit : “Ibn Kathir est l’auteur d’un Tafsir qui n’a pas de semblable dans son style.”

also L’imam as-Shawkani a dit : “Ibn Kathir est l’auteur du célèbre Tafsir en plusieurs volumes, dans lequel il a cité les hadiths, les athars ainsi que les différentes opinions, et dans lequel il s’est exprimé par

so les meilleurs propos et les plus précieux , C’est un des meilleurs Tafsir, sinon le meilleur.”

Ahmad Shakir a dit dans ‘ Umdatu -Tafsir: “Le Tafsir d’al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir est le meilleur Tafsir,

also le plus qualitatif et le plus précis que nous ayons vu après le Tafsir de l’imam des exégètes Abu Ja’far at-Tabari.”


top ten

A . author :

Imam Abu ‘Abdullah Al-Qurtubi or Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Ansari al – Qurtubi (d. 1272)

 was an Andalusian jurist, Islamic scholar and muhaddith. He was taught by prominent scholars of Córdoba, Spain

and also he is well known for his commentary of the Quran named Tafsir al-Qurtubi.

B . About The Book

Here is one of the most iconic Tafsir that were wrote: That of Imam Qurtubi. 

No one before or after him has produced a work such as his, 

which include all forms of Tafsir : linguistic, causes of revelations, definitions of difficult words, hadith and words of Salaf …

 and besides all this, he has developed and treated as nobody legal judgments arising verses on entering fiqh issues and divergences.


top ten

Auteur: As-Suyuti (911H)

Magnifique édition d’un des Tafsir les plus répandus dans le monde, souvent étudié en tout premier lieu dans la science du Tafsir.

also Ces annotations succinctes furent tout d’abord l’œuvre de Jalal-ad-Din al-Mouhalli (864H) puis furent complétées par l’Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Souyouti (911H).

Cette édition n’a pas d’annotations “correctrices”, il s’agit du texte original,

but l’éditeur a ajouté en notes de bas de page l’ouvrage “Al-Moukhtar As-Sahih min Asbab an-Nouzoul” pour ajouter quelques Fawa’id sur les causes de révélation des versets.

also Lédition est de grande qualité, et elle est disponible en 3 formats (les couleurs de couvertures sont aléatoires).


top ten

Author: Ibn Abi Hatim (327H) 

Here is one of the most famous Tafsir of the Salafs, 

on the common methodology of the first generations which was the Tafsir according to the Hadiths and Athars.  

Hafidh ibn Abi Hatim ar-Razi (327H) reported in his Tafsir only 4 levels of Athars :  

the Hadiths of the Prophet, then the Tafsir of the Sahabahs, then Tabi’in, then Tabi Tabi’in and finally those who followed these.  

His Tafsir is complete, verse by verse, when it’s not word by word, until Surat al-Hud, then by selected Surah after that.  

also The Tahqiq and annotations on the book are exemplary , and extremely useful to the student and the researcher regarding the chains of transmission. 

and also The scientific introductions are very thorough, they cover the entire first volume.

Finally the last 3 volumes are dedicated to the summary and index of research, we recall and give a short biography of

all the men whose Ibn Abi Hatim took the hadith, then finally a summary of Athar and Hadith Surah by Surah.

6.Tafsir Al-Kabir By Imam Fakhr Al-din Al-Razi, 32 vol in 16 Books

top ten

A . Author :

Muhammad ibn `Umar ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Husayn Abu `Abd Allah al-Qurashi, al-Bakri,

al-Taymi, al-Tabaristani al-Shafi`i, known as Ibn al-Khatib and as Fakhr al-Din al-Razi

was born in Rayy near present-day Tehran in AH 543 or 544/ad 1149-50 and died in 606AH/1209),

Shaykh al-Islam, the imam of the learned scholars of kalam and the foundations of belief, a major jurist of the Shafi`i school,

also specialist of usul, Commentator of the Quran, Philologist, genealogist, heresiographer, logician, Mathematician, Astronomer and physician.

An ocean that contains more pearls than the ocean.’

The principal spokesman of Ahl al-Sunnah in his time, he refuted all the sects with which he came into contact,

particularly the multifarious groups of the Mu`tazila, Shi`a, and Hashwiyya as well as the Jews and Christians

B . About The Book

This is the work of Imam Fakhr al-din al-Razi (died 606 Hijrah).

Its real name is Mafatih al-Ghayb, but is popularly known as Tafsir Kabir’.

Imam Razi is an imam of the theology of Islam, therefore, great emphasis has been, laid in his Tafseer on rational and scholastic debates and on the refutation of false sects’.

7 . Tafsir Ibn Arabi By Muhiyddin Muhammad Ibn Arabi, Arabic

A . Author : Shaykh Muhyiddin Muhammad Ibn ‘Arabi, d. 638 AH

B . About The Book

Short yet complete commentary on the Holy Quran

Ibn Arabi’s works differ from other Quranic commentaries (Tafasir)

by the fact that in addition to presenting the exoteric explanation for every verse,

8. from top ten Sahih al-Musnad min Asbab al-Nuzul

A . Author : Imam Muqbmil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’i

B . About book 

The authentic hadith on the reasons for the revelation of the verses (suras) of the Quran.

also Organized in the order of the suras.

9. from top ten Ahkam al-Quran, 4V, Arabic, Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al Arabi Al-Malik

A . About The Author

Ibn al-Arabi (Arabic:  was an Islamic scholar from Spain. 

It is, reported that he was, a student of Al-Ghazali for some time. 

also He was a master of Al-Maliki Jurisprudence.

His father was a student of Ibn Hazm although Ibn al-Arabi considered him to have deviated.

 He also contributed to the spread of Ash’ari theology in Spain

B. About The Book

Extensive studies book on the Ahkamul Quran

verses that pertain to rulings of Islam

One of the most celebrated and well-used books in Islam by all the scholars who came after this great imam.

 His, interpretation has been, published in four volumes and contains commentary on the legal rulings of the Quran according to the Maliki school.


Author : Ash-Shawkani (1255H)

Finally the famous Tafsir of Imam Ash-Shawkani entitled Fath al-Qadir.

so This Tafsir is, highly recommended by our contemporary scholars;

it contains particular linguistic and grammatical explanations of verses.

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