1.The institute is named Eaalim.
A. It is one of the most famous institutes in the field of online teaching around the world,
B. Also the institute was, first established in England in 2012 and later it was moved
to Egypt, the country of Al-Azhar,
C. where thousands of students from all over the world go to learn the true Islam,
D. Also they are interested in teaching non-Arabic speakers Muslims all
over the world seek Allah’s pleasure before any financial matters.
E. And also The Institute provides students with qualified and experienced teachers,
most of whom have graduated from Al-Azhar University and are always ready
to transfer their knowledge to their dear students.
F. Also They teach Quran , Tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies.
G. At first, the new student gets free lessons to choose the right teacher to study with.
H. and also They have a professional support team ready to help with any issues.
I. A plan is sent to the student to show what he will study during the course.
J. They follow up with parents and always inform them of their children and
ask for their regular observation so that they can provide a better service.
2.The institute is Be Quran
A. Be Quran is an Online Quran Academy specialized educational organization.
B. Also aim to build a new generation that will be aware of his religious methods
and also affected by the behaviors of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in his life throughout.
C. And also the modest technological ways which help learner and teacher to walk side by side with the modern technology
D. which will make it so simple in learning the holy Quran and studying its meanings
and also learning the Islamic studies
E. Also which put the learner in a religious stable environment away of violence and ruddiness, as our prophet was called “his lifestyle was Al QURAN”
3.Theinstitute, is The Madinah Arabic
The Madinah Arabic Tuition Center is a world-class online tuition center.
We have syllabuses for Learning from of home or at work
also for education are All levels and ages of students
and also The Madinah Arabic teach individuals (1 to 1 tuition) and organizations (on request)
Teachers with a broad range of experience. We hire the best teachers
from the Middle East with work experience including the top language centers.
4.The institute is Studio Arabiya Institute
Studio Arabiya was, established in 2011 and has quickly become
one of the best institutes in the field of online teaching.
and also Studio Arabiya teaches both online and live in Egypt.
also Studio provides high quality education and dedected teachers.
B. Also Services
Studio Arabiya provides teachers and trainers with qualifying graduates
to be the best Arabic and Quran teachers .
They provide employment opportunities for the best teachers
They provide the highest quality of learning to non-native students.
5.The institute is Udemy
is a for-profit massive open online course (MOOC) provider aimed at professional adults
and also students.
also It was, founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar.
As of September of 2021, the platform has more than 46 million students,
Also 175,000 courshttps://eaalim.com/our-courses/es,
and also 60,000 instructors teaching courses in over 75 languages.
There have been over 644 million course enrollments.
Students take courses primarily to improve job-related skills.
Some courses generate credit toward technical certification.
Also Udemy has made a special effort to attract corporate trainers seeking
to create coursework for employees of their company.
The headquarters of Udemy is located in San Francisco, US, with hubs in Denver,
Also US, Dublin, Ireland Ankara, Turkey, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Gurugram, India.
6.TheInstitute is Preply
A. Preply is a language learning app and e learning platform headquartered
in Kyiv, Ukraine, with offices in Barcelona, Spain.
B. Preply has 300 employees of 35 different nationalities.
C. As also of 2021, Preply connects over 140,000 tutors teaching 50 languages in 203 countries worldwide.
D.Also The company was, founded in 2012 by Ukrainian entrepreneurs Kirill Bigai, Dmytro Voloshyn, and Serge Lukyanov.
E. And also The website, preply.com, was, relaunched in November 2013 with the focus
on online language learning.On August 31, 2013,
F. Also Preply became a leading Ukrainian educational startup after an initial angel
investment of $180,000 from Semyon Dukach, Borya Shakhnovich,
Vadim Yasinovsky, Dan Pasko, Torben Majgaard, and Vostok VenturesIn
G. and also 2013, the company started expanding into markets of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland.
H. also In 2016, the Preply platform was, restructured by adding
a ranking algorithm of machine learning for recommendations and classification
of tutors. and also In 2018, Preply Classroom (formerly Preply space)
was, launched as the all-in-one language learning ecosystem
Also with the integrated video platform, online chat, screen sharing, and more.
In 2019, Preply opened a new office in Barcelona, Spain,
and also expanded its services into UK, Germany, and Spanish markets
As of September 2021, the app has received $50.6 million of investments in a total
of 8 funding rounds.
7.TheInstitute is Riwaq Al Azha
A. Riwaq Al Azhar is a leading international online institute providing
Quran, Arabic, and Islamic classes for kids and adults of all levels and ages.
C. also it male and female teachers are, well-trained to teach online and most
of them are graduates of Al-Azhar University, one of the world’s most prestigious institutions of Islamic
and Arabic learning, and they also fluently speak English.
B. and also Riwaq Al Azhar are experts in using state-of-the-art technology to teach online.
D. so The Riwaq Al Azhar team does not merely include highly qualified teachers
but also has expert scholars who are capable of teaching higher levels of Quranic, Arabic, and Islamic Studies.
E. and also Alongside Quranic studies, we also offer Islamic Studies,
so students may benefit from the knowledge of our qualified teachers and improve their Islamic knowledge and character.
F. so The primary vision behind the establishment of Riwaq Al Azhar Institute
has always been to provide Muslims all over the world, regardless
of their age, level, or gender, a platform where they can easily learn Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies
G. Also so through online classes that suit their desired time and days without having to sacrifice other aspects of their schedules.
Riwaq Al Azhar has made it our mission to deliver the knowledge of Islam
from its authentic sources and make it accessible to seekers of knowledge all over the world.
8.TheInstitute, is Understand Quran
A. Present Quran as interesting, easy and simple book.
B. also Teach how to read the Quran with grammar and to understand it
C. and also Produce the required course materials
(books, videos, posters, vocabulary cards, booklets, etc.)and design a syllabus that caters to the need of school.
Short courses for busy people or businessmen.
D. Make learning of Quran easy by using easy, modern and scientific methods and techniques of teaching.
E. To help you facilitate this work, we have prepared (inshaAllah)
a very effective program for teaching the Quran at Understand the Quran Academy.
F. also Understand Quran has the textbook and the PPT files for you to download.
And now Understand Quran has transcribed files too.
G. You can now read the whole lecture, prepare yourself
and practice the delivery using the PPTs and a projector or a big screen.
9.Also TheInstitute, is Al-dirassa center
Al-dirassa center (Markaz ad-dirassa in Arabic) is, an institute specialized in
the online tuition of the literal Arabic language, the memorization, and the recitation
of the Holy Quran as well as the Islamic sciences by distance courses via Skype.
B. Also al-dirassa GOAL
The goal of the al-dirassa online center is to help you in your path
of the understanding and learning of the Book and the religion of Allah the Almighty.
To learn Arabic, Islam and the Quran is a necessity, which we propose to relieve.
also All our courses are individuals and personalized, On the one hand,
this means that your lesson is exclusively provided between you and your teacher.
On the other, hand, the taught content is, adapted to your real level and allows, you to work at your own pace.
Of course, all our courses of Arabic, Islam, and the Quran are, sex-segregated.
10.And also TheInstitute, is Qurantown.net
A. was, popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets It containing Lorem Ipsum passages,
B. and also more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum .
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