
What breaks wudu

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Wudu is very important for a Muslim. Therefore, a Muslim should be keen on preserving their wudu. When wudu is spoiled, broken or invalid, a Muslim should renew it. This can be easily and simply done by making a new wudu.


When wudu is a must for a Muslim:

There are some things which spoil a Muslim’s wudu.  They are called the invalidators of wudu. if the wudu is invalid, a Muslim’s salah is invalid as well. Therefore, wudu must be made again. This applies to the obligatory and the voluntary prayers on equal footing. Wudu is also a condition for the validity of circumambulation (Tawaf) of al-kaaba. Moreover, wudu is a must when holding or reading the Holy Quran.

What makes wudu invalid:

Students learn how to make wudu in their courses of Islamic studies.

(1) When a Muslim makes wind, urine or stool, their wudu is invalid. 

(2) Also the secretion of semen spoils a Muslim’s wudu. And there is a hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Zayd and Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them) concerning wind that the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He should not leave or do not leave the mosque until he hears a voice or find the  wind.

(3) Deep sleep: or fainting, i.e. the state in which a person does not feel what is happening in his body and what comes out of it. In this case a Muslim’s wudu is invalid

(4) Eating camel meat: Whether it is raw or cooked and any part of the camel, whether it is a lot or a little, according to what Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked in this regard and replied that it is obligatory to perform ablution after eating camel / camel meat.

(5) Everything that must be done to do ghusl, such as Janabah and menstruation, must be done first to do ghusl.

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