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Born and Brought Up As a Hero:

Scholars of Islamic and The Holy Quran studies assure that Ali ibn abi Talib was the prophet’s cousin and son in law. His mother was Fatima bint Asad ibn Hashim. Fatima brought prophet Mohammad up after his mother’s death. Fatima was always good to prophet Mohammad as an orphan kid. As a sign of gratitude, prophet Mohammad brought him up. When he grew up and married the prophet’s daughter, Fatima, the prophet gave his the surname “Abu Turab” because Ali once intended to sleep in the mosque. This was when he disagreed with his wife Fatima one day. The prophet himself wiped the dust off Ali’ibn abi Talibs back. The nickname Abu Turab was the dearest to him

The first junior to embrace Islam:

The Holy Quran and Islamic studies assure us that Ali ibn abi Talib embraced Islam at the age of ten. He was born in Makkah, 23 years before Hijra. The prophet began to bring  him up at the age of five. Therefore, he learnt a lot of things from prophet Mohammad himself. Prophet Mohammad said about himself that he was the city of religious knowledge; and that Ali was the gate to that city. That’s why he had a significant status in Islam. Also, prophet Mohammad said that who loves ali, loves prophet Mohammad himself. Similarly, those who are hostile to him are hostile to prophet Mohammad himself. Truly, Ali ibn abi Talib deserved to be one of the rightly guided Khalifas of Islam.

The contributions of Ali in Islam:

The studies of the Holy Quran and Islamics stress that Ali ibn abi Talib was one of the ten paradise-promised companions. He was a brave warrior and daring in all battles. he urged Omar to start the calendar with the Hijra. When the Othman crisis and tragedy took place,  he supported Othman in every possible way. After Othman’s death, he reluctantly accepted assuming power as a Khalifa. His election was a time of unrest and difficulties. It was a difficult time for Muslims and Islam. Madinah was horror-stuck after Uthman’s death. Thisws because nobody expected the tragic end of Othman. Anarchy reigned and the rebels had the upper hand in the town. Ali ibn abi Talib was under great pressure to punish the killers of Othman.


Turmoil & the Politics of the Emerging State

Books of the Holy Quran and Islamic studies teach us that Ali  took over at a very dangerous and difficult time. Some people wanted Ali ibn abi Talib to be more cautious. They asked Ali to address the discontent problem and avenge the murder of Othman first. However, Ali wanted to strengthen his position first. In addition, Ali  had to face the rebellion of Talha and al-Zubair. Worse still, A’isha, the mother of the believers, took part in the dispute . They refused to acknowledge him as a caliph. Ali  fought his opponents and defeated them in the battle of the Camel, Basra, Iraq. Nevertheless, Ali  respected Aisha and asked her to be escorted to Madinah in a dignified way. Later, A’isha felt great remorse about taking part in the conflict. Consequently, He moved the political capital to al-Basra.

Escalation and political deterioration:

Researchers of the Holy Quran and Islamic studies confirm that on the other hand, Muawiya was the governor of Damascus at that time. Muawia rose against Ali ibn abi Talib and fought him in Siffin. Ali accepted the proposal to negotiate the conflict with Muawia. This was to avoid further bloodshed of Muslims. Ali  ibn abi Talib  couldn’t win the battle, refused to give in his authority and declared himself as a Khalifa in Kufa, in Iraq. Unfortunately, Ali ibn abi Talib was killed in the year 40 AH, 661 CE. Abdur-Rahman ibn Muljim killed Ali. He struck him with a poisoned sword on the forehead reaching the brain. On his deathbed, him advised his children to be pious and good Muslims. He died 3 days after the attack, aged 63 years. Ali ibn abi Talib  ruled for four years and nine months. He was one of the most distinguished heroes of Islam.

More about Ali ibn abi Talib:

Fatima was his only wife till she died. They had three sons and two daughters. The sons  were al-Hassan, al-Husain and Mohsen. Ali ibn Abi Talib married many other women after Fatima’s death. ibbn abi Talibhad eleven sons and fifteen daughters. Ali was chivalrous, brave, heroic, simple and humble. ibn abi Talib laid down the first rules of Arabic grammar. ibn abi Talib had authority and was consulted on serious topics. ibn abi Talib withstood hunger and gave away what he had. he narrated 586 hadith. Muslims, the non-Muslims, the rich and the poor enjoyed his justice. Nobody knows where Ali ibn abi Talib was buried, but maybe in the mosque of Kofa. Muslims should be neutral concerning all the fighting parties.

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